Now a days hacking a facebook account is getting a bit difficult as security levels of facebook has eventually increased. In this tutorial i am going to explain a way to hack a facebook account. This trick takes some efforts from the hacker-end and his smart communication skills. Hackers are suppose to be smart in working. So Here i am going to explain the steps involved in this process.


1. Make a fake email id.
    This ID is not supposed to be already used by any other facebook account.

2. Goto facebook.

3. Click on forget your password.

4. Enter the full name or the email address or userid.

5. Then select the suspect’s ID and click on “No longer have access to these?” .

6. The Fake ID which was created by you just enter in the textboxes and click on continue.

7. Here comes the main key of hackin.
    Smart workers will know the way to ask the answer as they know what is the exact question ,where usually the owner       forgets what exactly he had set his security question. After gathering the answer enter it and your work is done.

8. That user-id will be totally shited to the fake account within 1 day so select appropriate time for it.
     For study purposes only.


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