Why People Do Blogging?

Hello people this blog is for motivating people and enforcing the people to know the exact picture behind
the blog and bloggers .  1st question will arise in mind to the newbies that what is blog? Asking question to self or finding solution is a good skill.

Blog :

According to my view blog is a viewpoint where collection of thoughts and ideas emergered and expressed in sucha form that people who go through it will get to know the knowledge gain by the writer and his capabilites. Here sharing of knowledge and ideas takes place and acknowledge which is really important which is achieved.

Benefits of Blogging :

There are several benefits,so i am going to express them below

1.Enhancement in Writing Skills:

While writing a blog a person tends himself to write something by his own. There he tries to accomplish the sentences in such a way that people should understand it. So eventually he learns what to write and how to write. Try this.

2.Increasing SEO knowledge :

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) this concept plays a vital role in placing your post onto the search server. After completing the post writing he starts to make a group of “keywords” which will be located to XML maps of google engine. Therefore here i conclude that he learns what people will ask for.If you want to know more about SEO do comment below.

3.Can become an Entrepreneur:

If the blogs and post whatever the blogger has done with his site and gains the perfect knowledge regarding the SEO then obvious he will get the visitors and money in the bank concept is achieved.

4.Understanding People:

Once you start blogging people comment and suggest you regarding your blogs skills and approad.So in this case we learn what exactly is the need of people out there in tons.

5.Advertisement and Marketing the product:

Once you write your own blog you get excited that people should like it and appreciate it so here comes the enhancement part of advertisement skills and marketing skills.You eventually learn how to approach the people over the network and make them please to visit your blog.

6.Working with your logic:

Blog is like creating something new or something different, so when you jump into it you start thinking about new things and get your self engage with it.
While doing studies people plans to be an Entrepreneur, So they think that from where should i start , i would suggest this magical thing i.e. BLOG.
See above there are so many advantages that can change your life. So be an Blogger and become an Activist into your appropriate streams.Wish you luck.


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