how to add recent post slider in blog It is really simple and you can install it without any html knowledge . You can see it's demo first so that you can decide it is good for your blog or not.


  1. Goto blogger
  2. then in dashboard
  3. then go in layout 
  4. then add a gadget and select html/javascript
  5. now paste the following code in it 
<style>#slide-container {height: 360px;position: relative;width: 480px;}#slider {height: 360px;left: 25px;overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: hidden;position: relative;width: 480px;font-family: calibri;}.slide-desc {background: transparent url( repeat scroll 0 0;color: #FFFFFF;padding: 10px;position: absolute;right: 0px;text-align: left;top: 0;width: 200px;z-index: 99999;}.slide-desc h2 {display: block;}.crosscol .widget-content {position: relative;}#slider ul, #slider li,#slider2 ul, #slider2 li {margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}#slider2 {margin-top: 1em;}#slider li, #slider2 li {/*define width and height of list item (slide)entire slider area will adjust according to the parameters provided here*/width: 480px;height: 360px;overflow: hidden;}#prevBtn, #nextBtn,#slider1next, #slider1prev {display: block;width: 30px;height: 77px;position: absolute;left: -30px;text-indent: -9999px;top: 71px;z-index: 1000;}#nextBtn, #slider1next {left: 520px !important;}#prevBtn, #nextBtn, #slider1next, #slider1prev {display: block;height: 77px;left: 0;position: absolute;top: 132px;width: 30px;z-index: 1000;}#prevBtn a, #nextBtn a,#slider1next a, #slider1prev a {display: block;position: relative;width: 30px;height: 77px;background: url( no-repeat 0 0;}#nextBtn a, #slider1next a {background: url( no-repeat 0 0;}/* numeric controls */ol#controls {margin: 1em 0;padding: 0;height: 28px;}ol#controls li {margin: 0 10px 0 0;padding: 0;float: left;list-style: none;height: 28px;line-height: 28px;}ol#controls li a {float: left;height: 28px;line-height: 28px;border: 1px solid #ccc;background: #DAF3F8;color: #555;padding: 0 10px;text-decoration: none;}ol#controls li.current a {background: #5DC9E1;color: #fff;}ol#controls li a:focus, #prevBtn a:focus, #nextBtn a:focus {outline: none;}</style>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
 auto: true,
 continuous: true
<div id="slider">
<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
 var numposts_gal = 6; var numchars_gal = 150; var random_posts = false; // random posts
<script src=""></script>
  • Now replace with your blog address.
  • Adjust it with your need var numposts_gal = 6; var numchars_gal = 150;  

Thank You


  1. Hi Zain,
    this was super helpful, thankyou!
    Is there any way I can slow the slideshow down? To around 5 seconds per slide?
    The Blushing Giraffe| The Blog Loving

    1. hi Iqra. yes definitely u can change

    2. Recent Post Slider Widget For Blogger - Zain.Net It Tutorials >>>>> Download Now

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      Recent Post Slider Widget For Blogger - Zain.Net It Tutorials >>>>> Download LINK

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      Recent Post Slider Widget For Blogger - Zain.Net It Tutorials >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK 79

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I need to use this slider in my blog but with some changes like :

    - change slider width

    - and number of posts image shown to 5

    Can i do that

  4. why nothing showing in related slider in my blog!

  5. I dont know why all tutorials I have come across are not working for my blog. I tried it to Best IGN Free Game of the Month and Best Collections of Weird and Bizarre Stuffs but none worked. Thanks anyway.

  6. Please i am not satisfied so help me come over this challenge i want about 4 recent posts in my blog show in a slide view then it keep updating as i make new post.

    I have tried series of codes but it is still not working for me i really need help

    please to understand my point very well want you to check this sites
    but mostly this one

    and please give out steps on how this should be done if it is a code to be inserted in an html section and if there's any alternative please provide me with a guide or steps

    thank you

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    >>>>> Download Full

    Recent Post Slider Widget For Blogger - Zain.Net It Tutorials >>>>> Download LINK

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    Recent Post Slider Widget For Blogger - Zain.Net It Tutorials >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK UV


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